12 Weeks to Unstuck:

The 5 Step Blueprint to Get Unstuck and Live from a Place of Calm in the Next 12 Weeks

The A-Z roadmap to turn your “stuck in CHAOS” lifestyle into the calm life you desire. 

Week of Thanksgiving Planning Checklist

It’s time to take a deep breath, we’re here now, and it’s thanksgiving “game time”! ☺️ At this point, hopefully, all we have left to do is a clean sweep of the house, prepare the meal, and enjoy the holiday stress-free with our friends and family. If you feel there’s still so much to do, go back and read the blogs that got us to this point. There’s still time to decide the things that matter most now.

From here on out, this Thanksgiving planning checklist is broken down day by day for your convenience. Let's get started!

Saturday / Sunday

Monday Thanksgiving



The goal for today? Minimizing the work that needs to be done tomorrow! It’s a full, calm, and enjoyable day of prepping. This may be my favorite day. ☺️ 

Often, my girls come over to help, and we are just in the kitchen much of the day visiting while Christmas movies play in the background. Anything that can be assembled or prepared for final cooking/baking the next day is done on Wednesday.

Thanksgiving Day

It’s time for the turkey! It’s nice to be able to devote attention to the turkey because nearly everything else is prepared. Doing all the planning and prep possible before this day allows you to be present and enjoy the day and your friends and family.

Psst… I can send you this Google Template to start your own if you’d like! 



Let me know if this Thanksgiving planning checklist was helpful! Bookmark it to refer back over the next week and in the days leading up to Thanksgiving next year! Be sure to share it with friends & family who would love a bit of extra Thanksgiving help this year!

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Are you living with a should mindset?
Homebody, & yet somehow also aspiring frequent flyer, midwest based online coach & educator, wife, mom, lolo & ‘mama’ to two golden-doodles, obsessive researcher, lifelong student. I’m glad you’re here.


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