"The very best thing you can do for the whole world is to make the most of yourself."
~ Wallace D Wattles
The word routine can bring to mind ideas of ordinary or mundane. Being spontaneous and adventurous sounds so much better, romantic even.
Do you know what sounds romantic to me? Peacefully drifting through my everyday life with little to no conscious thought for all the little details, but knowing it’s all taken care of.
Short of creating a clone or hiring a personal assistant (or two), that sounds easier said than done, right?
Over the past 5 years, I have been deliberately learning about myself and all about systems, habits, and routines that can help to make the chaos of daily life more controllable. Not only have I realized how much daily routines matter, but I have found the structure of routine comforting and far from mundane in the real sense of the meaning.
Our everyday tasks and all the – currently undone – tasks that we wish we were able to make happen — can all come together and create a quiet mind and peaceful spirit. Can you even entertain that to be true?
I’m glad you’re here! Continue on to find out why building “mundane” routines into your life is not only the opposite of “boring” but will build a deeper sense of peace in you and generate joy-filled energy that others can feel.
ROUTINES Write your life's story
If you spend much time studying routines, you’ll likely begin to picture robotic, unhuman-like movements from one task to the next. Usually, they’re described in boring details with the precise timing of different activities that make up the routine.
Although that does sound mundane and b-o-r-i-n-g, a routine cannot simply be boring by definition; it’s only boring if your routine is boring to you. AND you’re the one that gets to decide.
Maybe we should consider using the word “boring” not in a negative sense but because that’s what it is. It’s not exciting or varied, but it is consistent. You can count on it being there for you when you have no more room for thoughts. I find that reassuring, like a friend that always has your back.
It can be a lot of fun when you’re first thinking of all of the possibilities of your new routine.
You can be creative and think in ideal terms, or you can be practical and find what you are already doing and attach your new habits to its flow. Then maybe find a catchy name like “first forty-five” for the first 45 minutes of your morning. Perhaps you have 45 tiny items you want to be sure to do in that timeframe? (by the way – that’s how I always set up my daily plan in my Plan to GRO planner – I don’t write out – workout, shower, feed the dogs, etc.,– I write ‘first forty-five’ into the block of time that I plan to make it happen during – saves so much time and writing).
Regardless of the “routine robot” you may have in mind, routines do not make you a boring or mundane person. They make you a consistent person. Consistency increases the likelihood that you’ll do what it takes to make your life into what you want it to be.
James Clear, author of the best-selling book Atomic Habits, describes the value of boring routines with this: “The only way to become excellent is to be endlessly fascinated by doing the same thing over and over. You have to fall in love with boredom.”
If boring means peace of mind, sign me up!
Routines, Mundane or not, create Your congruent Lifestyle
If you’re one of the “lucky” ones, there are at least two chapters in this ‘life book’ we’re all writing. Chapter ONE, ‘Knowing,’ and chapter TWO, ‘Applying.’
‘Knowing’ is having that deep solid sense of self and an understanding of your life’s mission/purpose, strengths, and vision. (there’s so much to talk about in chapter one. If you’re still on this part of the journey, let’s hop on over to the blog “Growing Through Life Transitions” before continuing on.)
When you know, it implores you to live in congruence with that knowing on a daily basis. Implementing routines into your life that support this vision for your life is the foundation that will make it all possible. This is how you set your life up so that you can act in alignment with your beliefs and core values.
Does it hang over your head that you want to pray daily, exercise, eat healthily, get eight hours of sleep, drink more water, cut the budget, or floss? (the list is endless, right?) Maybe you would like to stop the cycle of rush? How does not doing these things make you feel? I know this, few things feel worse than lacking the confidence that you’ll follow through.
Imagine how much carrying that affects your overall wellness? How much better would it feel – knowing you’ll do it? That it’s not in question?
When you are acting on the things that honor who you desire to be – that’s living a congruent lifestyle. You’ll respect yourself, and others will as well. That’s peace!
Routines generate energy
You can just feel their energy.
You were likely experiencing the power of congruency. Their actions are aligned with their convictions. They live in accordance with their dreams, desires, beliefs, values, mission, and goals. By not doing the things we know would make us better — habits like exercising, prayer and meditation or creating gratitude lists—we feel tired…inside and out. We’re depriving our body and mind of the energy that these types of positive activities create. AND to make matters worse, our dreams and goals are slipping away daily. Our agendas are packed with different activities from the moment we wake up until we go to bed. We are reacting to everything, and as a result, because there’s nothing intentionally routine about our lives, we find ourselves consciously thinking hard about things like — “where are the keys?” or “If I go to sleep after this show, how many hours of sleep will I get?” “What’s the latest I can sleep and still get out of the door in time?” Consequently, we’re mentally drained and distracted. We’re not as present for our relationships. Personally, I’m tired right now just thinking about times like these — definitely not energy efficient. Routine takes you out of the constant decision-making mode – that is energy efficient.(check out these blogs if you would like to start creating “mundane”, energy efficient routines in your day – “How To Create A Morning Routine That works Consistently” AND “How to Create a Daily Gratitude Habit and Why”)
Our minds crave the comfort and mindlessness that routine offers
If you haven’t picked up on the theme of my ideal scenario, let me share. I LOVE to have a place for everything and have everything in its place. 🙂 Routines give me that when it comes to my long list of to-dos.
I find it exciting and fun to create, tweak and find the rhythm that “feels” right. When new items come to mind that I would like to make a part of my life, I have a place to put it to make it happen. The longer I have worked on my routines, the more I see how they continuously drive me toward peace, clarity, and joy.
Our minds crave the comfort and mindlessness that mundane routines offer. When not thinking about the necessities, we create energy and space to focus on the more complex or meaningful parts of life. – BECAUSE you KNOW what you want in your life, and you’re making space for that to happen.
I’ll take that “boring, mundane” routined life! 🙋🏽♀️